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Seafuture - Fiera internazionale sulle tecnologie marine - LA SPEZIA, 11th/14th June 2009


SEAFUTURE - Naval & maritime innovations

LA SPEZIA, 11th/14th June 2009


The State-of the Art at Sea. SEAFUTURE is the first exhibition in the Mediterranean area, open both to enterprises and to Research Centres: it will host engineers, designers, manufacturers and distributors of sea-related equipment and technology. An unique opportunity to start up different kinds of collaborations and partnerships among exhibitors and stakeholders (Universities / enterprises / Research Centres), to reach nationwide and international excellence.

A high number of enterprises and research centres from Europe will be present at SEAFUTURE, displaying a broad overview of state-of-the art international technology and innovations, thanks also to ICE (the Italian Institute for Foreign Trade) which selected many of them as part of the agreement with the Ligurian Region for 2009.

A significant plus will be the presence of the main Italian and international research centres and institutes, most renown for their high-level technological and scientific know-how.

SEAFUTURE will be one of the top events in the nautical and maritime field, hosting also a number of thematic and technical seminars, forums, and meetings aimed to share up-to-date information and data under all institutional, technical and scientific aspects.

Key technical partner of SeaFuture is the Ligurian District of Marine Technologies (DLTM), aiming to exploit and develop interaction among all the stakeholders, with high technological content, mainly based in Liguria.

The areas of interest of SEAFUTURE 2009 and DLTM are:


Infrastructures, Materials and Processes: eco-compatibility, advanced frontier R&D for Naval systems (surface, sub-surface & Offshore platforms; shipbuilding; mobility)



Eco-compatible solutions for ports, ship and coastal areas. Security and control management of anthropogenic activities. Management, control & prevention of high­risk operations, man-caused extreme natural events.


1. Products, innovative and eco-compatible processes for shipbuilding

2. Innovative and eco-compatible cycles for yachts and mega yachts, design and engineering

3. R&D applied to naval platforms, offshore platforms, energy production and processes

4. Naval and marine systems, automation, components and instrumentations

5. Eco-compatible management systems for harbours and port areas, shipping & handling and information technology

6. Logistic and services

7. New materials and processes for marine applications

8. Underwater techonlogy for fish and shellfish breeding.

Exhibitors: Manufacturers and suppliers of products, equipments, instruments, plants and high tech systems; research centres, universities and innovation-focused institutions; specialised press

Visitators: All the stakeholders with interest in the above mentioned topics.

Organisation: Chamber of Commerce of La Spezia

Co-organisation:  ICE (Italian Institute for Foreign Trade); Ligurian Region; Liguria International; Spedia S.p.A.; Ligurian District for Marine Technologies (DLTM); Azienda Speciale della Camera di Commercio “Azienda Manifestazioni Fieristiche e Formazione Professionale”; Azienda Speciale CCIAA “La Spezia EPS”.

Partners: Province of La Spezia, Municipality of La Spezia, Unioncamere Liguria - Consorzio Alps

In collaboration with: CNA La Spezia, Confartigianato La Spezia, Confindustria La Spezia


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