Entrepreneurship in higher education, especially within non-business studies - Final Report11/09/2008The primary purpose of entrepreneurship education at university is to develop entrepreneurial capacities and mindsets. The teaching of entrepreneurship has yet to be sufficiently integrated into university curricula - indeed it is necessary to make entrepreneurship education accessible to all students as innovative business ideas may arise from technical, scientific or creative studies.
This Expert Report explores key issues regarding the teaching of entrepreneurship in higher education, identifies existing obstacles and proposes a range of solutions, taking into account the different levels of responsibility (public policy, institutions, educators and relevant stakeholders).
The Report focuses primarily on learning about entrepreneurship as part of non-business disciplines, in particular within technical and scientific faculties and universities.
Fonte: Commissione Europea - Direzione Generale Impresa e Industria
Final Report of the expert group: Entrepreneurship in higher education, especially within non-business studies
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